• Fun story generator box: There are a million stories waiting to be told. Which one will be yours?

Fun story generator box: There are a million stories waiting to be told. Which one will be yours?

  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$46,00

Aqui estão quatro grupos de cartas em inglês. Veja o que está escrito em cada carta e use a criatividade para unir os elementos e criar uma história. This book-in-a-box comes with a fun game to play with friends, in a family get-together or at school . Each player should draw at least one card from each of the four dierent card groups. Read what the cards say and use your creativity to -gure a way of connecting all the elements into a unique story. There are millions of possible combinations. Mil lions of ways of letting your imagination run free and wild.

Código: 9786556160696
EAN: 9786556160696
Peso (kg): 0,000
Altura (cm): 10,00
Largura (cm): 8,00
Espessura (cm): 2,50
Autor Tadeu, Paulo
Editora MATRIX
Ano Edição 2021
Número Edição 1

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